Hominext Blog
The 10 best platforms to find and rent an apartment in Germany
Finding an attractive and affordable apartment in Germany’s more popular cities is difficult, as there is significantly more demand than supply for apartments.
All you need to know before living in a shared flat
For many, living in a shared apartment (in German called “Wohngemeinschaft” or “WG”) is an essential part of student life. But not only students live in shared apartments.
What to expect when you rent an apartment without a kitchen
New apartment, new luck? Okay, the apartment search is difficult and can be very frustrating. But what about the kitchen?
The Hominext Booster
Your old apartment is getting too small, you need to get out of your student room or you’re moving to a new city? Then it’s time to find a new apartment!
The Dos and Don’ts of Finding an Apartment for Rent
When the family grows, when you have to leave your student apartment or when you move to a new city, you need a new home.
What are things you should do right after arrival
When you come from another country to live in Germany, depending on where you came from or for what you came for, there could be